Bengal Tiger | Top Characteristics, Habitat & Amazing Facts

Bengal Tiger Population in India

The Bengal tiger is the most numerous subspecies of tigers, and it can be found primarily in India, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Bhutan. This subspecies has a distinctive reddish-orange coat that helps it blend into the tall grasses of its natural habitat. Historically, the Bengal tiger population in India was estimated to be around 1,400 individuals in 1951, but today that number has been drastically reduced to only around 100 Bengal tigers left in the wild.

The Bengal tiger is a population of the Panthera Tigris subspecies that is native to India. Like all tigers, it is threatened by poaching and loss of habitat as a result of human encroachment and has disappeared from many parts of its historical range. Most authorities maintain that there are no more than 2,500 tigers left in India (with some estimates being far lower)

But other sources believe that between 4,000-4,500 remain. The precise number of Bengal tigers living today is therefore not known with certainty; reliable numbers will likely not be available for many years to come. Nevertheless, they are rapidly disappearing due to rampant poaching and habitat destruction throughout Asia.

bengal tiger

Bengal Tiger Habitat

Bengal tigers once roamed an area that covered most of eastern and northern India. Today, about 80 percent of these forests have been lost to agriculture, timber extraction, and human settlement. But there are still plenty of wildlands left where tigers can live. 

The most important remaining habitat is a corridor that runs along part of Bengal’s northern border with Nepal and onto central Bangladesh, as well as a few protected areas scattered throughout other parts of West Bengal. Even though they no longer roam as far south as they once did, a small population remains in that southernmost part of their historic range along Kumaon’s border with Bhutan; they’re also found around Kaziranga National Park in Assam.

Scientific Classification

Bengal tigers are smaller than Siberian tigers, with males weighing between 190 and 310 kg (420 to 690 lb), and females between 130 and 180 kg (290 and 400 lb). They have a white-tipped tail that has a black stripe running along its center. The stripes of each tiger are unique as like a fingerprint for humans. There are also larger rosettes on their coat patterns in comparison to other subspecies. Their fur is usually orange or light brown with black stripes on the face, legs, belly, paws, and tail.

bengal tiger

How are they different from other tigers?

Bengal tigers are a population of tigers that make up part of what is commonly known as the Royal Bengal Tiger. There are five populations of tigers: Amur, Malayan, South China, Indochinese, and Bengal. All other tiger subspecies (i.e., excluding Bengal) have only four stripes on their body. The stripes of a Bengal tiger are narrower than most other tigers and stretch all over its body. 

This is one way to distinguish between different species of tiger. According to Wikipedia, most big cats have thick fur on their belly but not Bengals. They have no fur at all which makes them even more susceptible to diseases like scabies and mange due to lack of a protective coat.

Ecology and Conservation

The Bengal tiger (Panthera Tigris Tigris) is a population of Pantherinae subspecies that is native to Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Thailand, and Vietnam. The tiger was endangered by poaching until 2003; now it has become a protected species in many regions. 

The biggest threat to wild tigers today comes from prey base depletion from overhunting by humans or unsustainable loss of habitat due to increasing human populations. Between 2003 and 2005 alone, there was a 33% reduction in habitat for forest-dwelling tigers; there are around 1,400 tigers left in Bangladesh while only 4 remain in Java.

bengal tiger

Incredible Facts

Here are a few fun facts about Bengal tigers:
1. There are nearly 100,000 tigers left in Asia, yet they’re still considered endangered. Many conservationists believe there could be as few as 3,200 Bengal tigers left in India alone. The tiger has been on Earth for over a million years and has changed very little during that time – which is why it’s so important to do everything we can to protect them.
2. The huge size of their paws gives them excellent traction; it also helps protect their feet from deep puncture wounds when hunting for prey or fighting other tigers during mating season.
3. Their tails makeup almost half of their body length and have been known to grow up to 4 feet long! Tiger tails help increase balance and flexibility while hunting. Young tigers use their tail as a rudder while swimming. They swim incredibly well despite having fewer under-surface floating hairs than most cats, instead of using water flow through their more densely furred ears to maintain buoyancy (it kind of works like a wet suit).
4. Another name for Bengal tigers is Panther Tigris, which means tiger with spots. That’s because each stripe on its coat represents individual spots called melanin cells that help with temperature regulation and protection against sunlight damage.
5. Female tigers reach sexual maturity at around three years old; males at four or five years old.


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