Chameleon (Chamaeleonidae) | Top Details, Characteristics & Amazing Facts

Introduction Of Chameleon

Chameleons are fascinating creature’s native to the tropical jungles of Africa and Asia. They can change their skin colour and pattern to blend in with their surroundings, making them nearly invisible to predators that would eat them if they saw them. While many people think chameleons are reptiles, they are actually from the family of lizards known as Chamaeleonid. As reptiles, they lay eggs instead of giving birth as mammals do, but they aren’t cold-blooded like lizards or snakes are either.


The chameleon is native to Africa, but it can be found in Europe, Australia, and Asia. Most chameleons are forest animals, but some species have adapted to live in grasslands and deserts. A few have even been spotted living at high altitudes. They typically live between 3 and 7 years, depending on their species.


Vegetarian. Their tongues have a sticky tip, with hundreds of tiny projections that pull in ants and other insects. They can consume their body weight in insects each day. They are also known to eat fruits such as figs. Baby chameleons eat small invertebrates or worms; adult chameleons will eat whatever they can find. Spiny-tailed lizards also share parts of their habitat with chameleons and make a good food source for them as well. Their predators include snakes, birds, cats, and dogs that have been released into their natural habitat by humans. The chameleon’s tongue is one of its most distinguishing characteristics: it’s long enough to catch flies from more than half a meter away!


An interesting chameleon fact is that they change colour to blend in with their surroundings. They can also move their eyes independently of each other. If you have a chameleon, be sure to put different plants in its cage so it has something to change colours for! Because of their ability to camouflage, chameleons are mainly active at night. They sleep during the day and come out at night to hunt for food and interact with other members of their species. However, several species are active during both day and night.

Physical Characteristics

The chameleon has a head and body length of between 20 to 30 centimetres (7.9 to 11.8 in). It has a long prehensile tail, which is often longer than its body, used to help support its entire weight. The tail can also be used as a weapon or to capture prey by wrapping around it, but it will never break off like some lizards’ tails do (in particular skinks). The male has crests or horns on its nose and either side of its head; these are larger in males than in females. On their sides, chameleons have small spikes or no spines at all. 

The chameleon’s colour-changing ability

What’s most amazing about chameleons is their colour-changing ability. To accomplish it, they rely on specialized cells in their skin that are filled with a wide range of pigments. The chameleon can alter how much of each pigment is expressed, and by doing so, he can accurately change his skin’s colour and pattern to match whatever environment he finds himself in. As an additional layer of protection against predators, many chameleons will also puff up their bodies when they feel threatened to appear larger than they are. While it might be tough for them to match your 5’10 stature or 200-pound frame exactly—or perhaps even at all—they have other ways of defending themselves as well.


Incredible Facts

  • 1) A chameleon can change their colour with its mood, health, and temperature.

    2) The colour of a chameleon’s skin comes from a liquid called chromatophores that are filled with pigments.

    3) The tongue of a chameleon is prehensile, which means it can be used to grab onto objects or wrap around prey.

    4) There are over one hundred species of chameleons; some live in trees while others live in deserts and rocky areas.

    5) Most chameleons will take down larger insects like crickets, but they may eat lizards and small mammals if other sources of food aren’t available.

    6) Once a female lays her eggs, she will guard them until they hatch.

    7) Baby chameleons grow very quickly and will usually double their size every month for about 6 months until they reach adulthood.

    8) If you want to own a pet chameleon then you should get two at once because most babies die within days after being born.

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