Elephant (Loxodonta)| Top Details, Characteristics & Amazing Facts

Introduction Of Elephant

Elephants are the largest land animals in the world and can be found in Africa and Asia. They have characteristic large ears and very long trunks, which they use to breathe, eat and drink with, as well as to pick up objects. The trunk’s tip contains sensors that help an elephant detect heat, touch, and smell over great distances. They are herbivores and can live alone or in herds of up to 100 individuals. They communicate through sound, sight, touch, and smell by using these sensors—and they’re very good at it!

Physical characteristics

Elephants are among Earth’s largest land animals and are recognizable by their trunks and tusks. Their eyesight is poor and they cannot run fast, but they make up for these traits with keen senses of smell and hearing. They spend most of their time on four legs—they walk on their knuckles at speeds as high as 4 mph. Elephants can be found in a variety of habitats: savannas, jungles, and deserts around Africa; scrublands in India; rainforests in southeast Asia; swamps in central Africa; forests and marshes in West Africa. However, it’s not recommended to feed wild elephants because it may disrupt their behaviour or cause them to lose their fear of humans.


Elephants are found in sub-Saharan Africa and the south of Asia. They once thrived in large parts of Europe and China as well but have been poached out almost entirely. The main issue that keeps elephants from thriving is habitat loss due to human expansion. Elephants are incredibly intelligent creatures and use a variety of tools including branches, tree trunks, and rocks to protect themselves from potential predators or capture prey. They live to be between 70-80 years old on average.


Elephants eat plants. They can eat up to 300 different species of plants and up to 150 different species at a time. They do not chew their food; instead, they use their stomachs to break down plant material and then push it through their mouth using their tongue. The average elephant will eat as much as 225 kilograms of food per day! To properly digest all that roughage, 

elephants have four stomachs with separate compartments for breaking down cellulose in grasses, fibrous matter in trees and bushes, and tough roots. These stomachs allow them to consume large amounts of low-quality fodder while getting only a little nutrition from it because most nutrients are passed out with the feces.



The average gestation period is 22 months. Once pregnant, a female will usually stop moving for two to three weeks and will only leave her place of birth when necessary. During labor, it has been documented that they will vocalize loudly while digging a hole to give birth in. This serves as a warning system to let nearby animals know that she is giving birth and to stay away so as not to disturb her or harm her calf. 

New-born elephants typically weigh around 130-150 lbs., however, their size varies depending on how much milk they were able to consume before being born. Generally, elephants are ready for mating at between 12 and 15 years old but can mate earlier if their body matures faster than normal.

Elephant 3 Nature info

Incredible Facts

  •  Elephants have an average lifespan of 50 to 70 years. 

  • They can weigh up to 7.25 tons and are approximately 12 feet tall at their shoulders. 

  • Most elephants are herbivores that feed on leaves, twigs, bark, roots, and grasses; they drink water daily but don’t need to swim frequently as they live in forests or swamps with plenty of water available at ground level. 

  • Baby elephants also consume solid food starting at age one week and spend a few months learning how to consume it before gradually weaning off their mother’s milk. 

  • After weaning there is a short crash-diet period while they reduce fat by shedding 600 pounds in just three weeks! Thereafter, older elephants gain about four pounds per day until reaching adult size. 

  • The tusks grow from teeth that form within sockets deep inside the upper jaw and may be used for digging for roots, clearing brush, or breaking branches during feeding. In males these may grow beyond two meters in length and over 10 kilograms in weight and may be used during ritualized fighting between bulls for mating rights within herds – however, females never develop tusks. 

  • As such her ivory appears much more rounded than those of males who develop elongated points measuring well over 1 meter each which are visible even when embedded in the tissue around them! Elephants reach sexual maturity around age 16 with females then going into heat every 2-3 years following puberty.

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